SymmetricDS 3.5.19 was released, which fixes 6 bugs, adds 4 improvements, and adds 1 new feature. Fixes were made to the bulk loaders for SQL-Server and MySQL. Both of these bulk loaders are early releases of experimental code targeted for 3.6, but they are working well at this point. Set your channel to use a data loader of “mysql_bulk” or “mssql_bulk” to try them out. Tests are showing performance boosts of 2 to 10 times faster loading. Improvements were made to the REST API to allow a client to find out how many batches are waiting for it. A new feature to capture only changed data was added for PostgreSQL, so if the trigger fires for a row but nothing has changed, it won’t record it. The behavior is currently enabled by a parameter called “” but it may move to the sym_trigger table in the future when all dialects support it. See the changelog for more information.
Download SymmetricDS 3.5.19 now.