Project Structure

The SymmetricDS software package consists of a set of projects, with each project representing a layer of functionality. Each project is in a separate folder with source code that builds into a library.

Version 3.x

Project Name Description
symmetric-assemble POM project used to build and assemble the distributable files
symmetric-core Java project with the core classes
symmetric-csv Reads and writes comma-separated-value (CSV) input and output.
symmetric-db Accesses a database using SQL to create tables, alter tables, and query data
symmetric-io Contains processors for reading, writing, and transforming data
symmetric-jdbc Extends the symmetric-db functions to access a database through JDBC to create database triggers and query data
symmetric-server Server classes to run the engine as a web server and receive synchronization requests
symmetric-util Common utilities classes

Gradle Dependency

You can use SymmetricDS in your project by referencing the library as a dependency. If you are using Gradle, you can list the libraries you need in your build.gradle, like this:

dependencies {
   implementation "org.jumpmind.symmetric:symmetric-server:3.15.0"

Artifacts are hosted at the Jumpmind Maven repository:

repositories {
   maven {
      url ""
      metadataSources {

Maven POM Dependency

You can use SymmetricDS in your project by referencing the library as a dependency. If you are using Maven, you can list the libraries you need in your project POM, like this:


Artifacts are hosted at the Jumpmind Maven repository:


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